
  • Improve animal comfort, safety and welfare
  • Benefit from powerful, immediate and uniform lighting that is resistant to switching and adapted to each space
  • Increase efficiency with natural colour reproduction
  • Adjust and plan light intensity according to time of day and season for faster growth of young animals and increased production
  • Boost your operation and reduce energy bills, downtime and replacement costs
  • Be ready to quickly integrate pollution, level, temperature, soil, PH, etc. sensors at no extra cost


Sirius-FarmAgri is a quality IoT solution, durable, resistant to the difficult and specific environments of agricultural buildings and livestock farms.

Easily and quickly deployed, the Sirius-FarmAgri solution is remotely controllable and allows an improvement in farm performance while guaranteeing a rapid ROI.

Witti Technologies

A high-performance solution

The Sirius-FarmAgri is a modular, scalable IoT solution that can manage several applications for farms, including intelligent lighting, reducing energy bills by more than 70% and maintenance costs by 30%.

Witti Technologies

Quick installation

The Sirius-FarmAgri turnkey solution is easily and quickly deployable. Adding sensors specific to your environment is quick.

Witti Technologies

Real-time monitoring

The Sirius-FarmAgri connected solution allows you to monitor remotely and in real time the measurements transmitted by each connected object, each luminaire and the elements that make it up, and thus to promote preventive maintenance

Elements of the solution

By family

By family
  • All
  • Controllers - Communication nodes (4)
  • Gateways (1)
  • LED lighting (11)
  • Sensors (3)


The AKAROA product range can adress high-rise spaces with large volumes of lighting such as : industrial buildings, warehouses, logistics platforms, and are also suitable for lighting sports fields or exhibition halls, airport areas …


The ALTAÏ range luminaires (from 20W to 60W) is particularly suitable for various industrial environments such as logistic platform, warehouse, parkings, airport, or railway station.


The LED luminaires of the APO range (100W – 240W) find their place in industrial buildings, warehouses and logistics platforms, as well as for sports facilities, exhibition halls, airport areas, etc.


The ARENAL product range (30W - 180W) is particularly suitable for lighting aisles in interior logistics storage areas which are characterized by the low presence of natural light and a tall, narrow space.


The luminaires of the FUJI range (75W-280W) are suitable for the interior lighting of production sites, warehouses or logistics platforms, industrial buildings or for lighting sports facilities.

IRIS 1801

External box wireless RF Mesh communication and control modules. For connected lighting networks.

IRIS 1840

Luminaire-internal RF Mesh communication and control module for Smart Lightning, Smart City and Smart Building.


IRIS 1903

Presence detector and motion sensor /Radar communicating in RF Mesh for connected lighting and Smart City and Smart Building applications.


The JANNU product range (50W – 200W) is particularly suitable for indoor lighting (gymnasiums, fitness park, logistics areas, storage areas, etc.) where natural light is weak or even non-existent in some cases.


The KEELE range luminaires (from 200W to 1800W) is particularly suitable for various sports environments or industrial buildings such logistic warehouse, railway station, agricultural exploitation, exhibition hall, car parcks, sports fields, Stadiums, …


The KIBO product range (50W – 200W) is particularly suitable for indoor lighting (gymnasiums, logistics areas, storage areas, etc.) where natural light is weak or even non-existent in some cases.


Les luminaires de la gamme NEVADA (100-300W) sont particulièrement adaptés à l'éclairage intérieur comme des sites de production, des entrepôts ou des plateformes logistiques, ainsi qu'à l'éclairage extérieur comme les stades ou sur la façade de bâtiments


The OURAL range luminaires (30-100W) is suitable for indoor lighting of production sites, warehouses or logistics platforms, industrial buildings or outdoor lighting of parking, stadiums, airports and railway stations.

Remote Management Platform

Witti propose une plateforme logicielle centralisée (CMS) qui permet à distance de configurer, piloter, et superviser des contrôleurs de luminaires ainsi que tout autre équipement connecté...


The STADIUM range luminaires (from 480W to 1650W) is particularly suitable for various sports environments such as football, rugby or basketball stadiums, athletics tracks, tennis court or even car circuit.


The luminaires of the STROMBOLI range (40W-240W) are suitable for the interior lighting of production sites, warehouses or logistics platforms, industrial buildings or the exterior lighting of sports stadiums.


TANA luminaires are particularly suitable for lighting industrial workshops, areas subject where weather is often changing, or very frequented places, such as airport, awnings on station platforms, service stations, …

    Other solutions




