
  • Benefit from an off-grid installation
  • Reduce the maintenance costs of street lighting
  • Create a greener and safer urban environment for its users
  • Manage your lighting stock in adverse weather conditions and variable sunlight
  • Simplify the installation and connection of luminaires
  • Optimise maintenance and troubleshooting time
  • Forget about time-consuming and costly photovoltaic installations


The Helios solar lighting solution can be deployed quickly and installed almost anywhere, and is both inexpensive and durable.

All the luminaires in the Helios range are connected and provide daily data for management and maintenance.

Witti Technologies
Witti Technologies

Low investment

The Helios range of luminaires represents a cost-effective investment in terms of the savings made by using solar energy

Witti Technologies

Quick installation

The Helios stand-alone solar lighting solution can be deployed almost anywhere without any prior work.

Witti Technologies

Real-time monitoring

The Helios connected solution enables real-time monitoring of the operating status of each luminaire and its components.

Elements of the solution

By family

By family
  • All
  • Controllers - Communication nodes (4)
  • Gateways (1)
  • LED lighting (12)
  • Sensors (3)


The ETNA range luminaires (from 20W to 100W) is particularly suitable for various urban and roads environments, such as avenues, streets, pedestrian squares, or even large outdoor spaces such as parking areas.


The NARVA range luminaires (from 20W to 350W) is particularly suitable for various urban and roads environments, such as avenues, streets, pedestrian squares, or even large outdoor spaces such as parking areas.

Remote Management Platform

Witti propose une plateforme logicielle centralisée (CMS) qui permet à distance de configurer, piloter, et superviser des contrôleurs de luminaires ainsi que tout autre équipement connecté...


Available in four different sizes, the TARA luminaires (from 30W to 280W) can be used in a variety of urban lighting, road or any other specific configurations: streets, parking or specific airports areas.

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